WOW! I just realized that it has been more than a year since I last posted here on my blog………The format of the blogging site isn’t even anywhere near the same as it was the last time I posted. Well, let me tell you things are about to change….

….I would like to announce that as of today I am 20 weeks pregnant!!!!!!! Its an entirely new chapter of my life and I think, never a better time to get back into blogging! I want to be able to first of all, look back on my blogs as a kind of journal of my  pregnancy and my life and second, I really really missed blogging. I realize that for me, blogging was almost a little check point for everything I did in my life. Every day I would check in and write about something different and it kept me on task and continually being creative in cooking art, craft and every day life. It gives me a goal to work towards and something to look back on! 

My plan is to sort of start all over.  I am going to keep the Mountain Goat name, and keep the blog set up as is for now, however, due to the circumstances, content may vary a little from what it was. I would like to have posts dedicated to my pregnancy experience, symptoms, growing, labour and birthing. Also, I would like to have posts on what I will be doing in order to prepare for life with an extra little person in our lives. So, a lot of batch cooking so we have freezer meals, etc. Along with the new stuff. I want to try to continue with the crafty posts, maybe the outfit posts although finding clothing right now is EXTREMELY difficult. (lots of stretchy pants). I definitely plan on keeping up with the “What I Love Today Posts” as I think it is very important to be constantly reminding ourselves what we are grateful for. I plan on making some things for the little one and I would like to have posts about handmade things, and nursery development as I am very excited for that! 

My goal with starting over with blogging is to get crafty again, take more photos with my DSLR, cook more, write more, draw more, share more and journal more!

I am very excited to start this all over again and I apologize a million times to all of those that started following me only for me to drop out on you! I truly appreciated the support and I love that I might have a little something to share/inspire!

I don’t have any pictures to post at the moment, but I plan on doing a “pregnancy update” post in the next day or two with photos and other good stuff!!!